The changes adopted on Monday include two changes from the initial proposal presented early this year. “There are some neighborhoods that will see slightly elevated services and some neighborhoods that will see slightly declined level of services,” Robert Betts, the agency’s operations director, told the board on Monday. Most of the changes, even the cancellation of certain routes, will be offset by changes or additions to other routes, with some exceptions. Additionally, the changes are expected to reduce the number of buses used by 7.5%, which staff said will reduce the number of drivers needed. The changes will reduce service hours by about 2%, which the agency states will reduce expenses by about $540,000 annually. “What they’re going to result in is more reliable service,” Marin County Supervisor Katie Rice, a member of the Marin Transit board, said of the changes. Officials said the changes are a response to traffic conditions returning to close to pre-pandemic levels, an ongoing bus driver shortage, a lack of local operation facilities and an effort to align with Golden Gate Transit bus and ferry routes. The agency’s board unanimously approved the alterations to 12 of its 24 fixed bus routes on Monday. Marin Transit plans significant changes for half its bus routes beginning in June, including ending or consolidating some routes, removing express routes, reducing trips and changing stop locations.